Kenneth L. Enzor Scholarship Fund
This fund is under the supervision and control of the North East Association of Rail Shippers. The purpose of the fund is to provide Scholarships for ambitious and worthy students who have an interest in pursuing an academic degree, and who have a desire to obtain higher education. Preference will be given, but is not limited to, those pursuing an interest in a transportation related field. The scholarships are administered solely by the North East Association of Rail Shippers. Awards will be made on a yearly basis, requiring application and review for each calendar year.
"Receiving the NEARS Scholarship has been a great help to me and my family. It eased the stress of moving and getting started with schoolwork by ensuring that I could afford all the supplies I needed to get the semester off to a good start. College costs are already daunting to begin with, and I'm very grateful to NEARS for providing me with some peace of mind."
-Emily Demmert
"NEARS's scholarship has helped to alleviate the financial stress of post-secondary education, while communicating their immense support for the education of the next generation. My investment in a Biomedical Engineering degree will allow me to help others for the rest of my career, so I'll be able to give back to the community and the world. Thank you for your investment in my future."
-Aiyana Fortin

Who's Eligible

Scholarship recipients will be selected according to merit on a competitive basis, based on the application and information that are received.
Students previously awarded a scholarship must re-apply again for consideration of this year’s scholarships. Students previously awarded a scholarship and re-applying this year, must have complied with the previous year’s award requirement to provide 2-3 progress updates through-out the previous academic year (see below).
The NEARS Board has authorized at least 5 separate awards to be given for a total of $5,000. The Board can also authorize additional awards and funds at their discretion. The Board will meet to decide on the scholarship amounts, which will be at least $500/award. Funds will be sent directly to the award recipient, and not the college.
Scholarship recipients are completely responsible for making admission arrangements and fulfilling all requirements of the school selected, which must be a college or university in the United States or Canada, or an affiliate thereof abroad, which is fully accredited by its regional accrediting commission on higher education. The recipient must enter college as a student in the fall term following selection and must pursue a course of study leading to one of the traditional degrees. Scholarship recipients are expected to make normal academic progress from year to year and must remain in good academic and disciplinary standing. While honor grades are not required, scholarship recipients have a responsibility to do quality work in college.
Scholarship recipients must understand and accept the responsibility that they will be required to provide at least 2 progress updates throughout the academic year, to the Scholarship Awards Committee. Updates should include information on GPA and a short briefing of academic activities. Failure to provide those updates will result in ineligibility to apply again the following year.

North East Association of Rail Shippers Scholarships require the following information:
A completed application
A short essay describing your current and future goals, and how this scholarship may help you achieve these goals
Full academic transcript is required from either high school for incoming college freshmen, or full college academic transcript(s) from all colleges attended for college sophomores, juniors and seniors. Screen shots and unofficial transcripts are acceptable as long as the classes and grades received are present.
A copy of your SAT or ACT scores. These are optional for all applicants and choosing not to submit them will not diminish your eligibility or opportunity to receive a scholarship.
2 Letters of Recommendation. One letter must be from a paid, active, registered member of the North East Association of Rail Shippers. The other two letters can be from anyone that knows the applicant well and can write on behalf of the student. Possible sources could be, but are not limited to: teachers/professors, counselors, employers, and coaches.
A list of activities that may include employment, volunteerism, sports, and other extracurricular type activities.
Please feel free to include any other information that the Scholarship Committee should consider.
Scholarship amounts will be determined by the available scholarship pool. NEARS has committed to scholarship amounts to be at least $1000 per scholarship. The pool of funds available will be divided evenly among all recipients. Scholarship amounts may exceed $1500/each depending on the scholarship pool. Funds will be sent directly to the award recipient and not to the college.
Who Handles Scholarship Procedures?
The North East Association of Rail Shippers handles all phases of the process, including selection of recipients and payment of awards.
For any scholarship questions, you may contact any of the Awards Committee NEARS Board members:
Scott McCalla
scott@nears.org (802) 779-1413
Thomas Coleman
Thomas@railstrong.com (732) 299-7321
Don Cameron
donald.cameron@transplace.com (781) 982-1722
Successful applicants will receive the award via check to the personal address provided on the application unless other arrangements are made.